Starting from Junker’s generous advocacy of solidarity, eu4you develops an algorithm bound up in complex calculations of parameters that performs, instructions like a mechanical judge, calculating the fate of tens of thousands refugees. Based on luck, chance, fortune and a set of personal, social an economic factors, the algorithm plots a computational DNA formula that outlines the rate of a person to pursue and achieve his European dream; probing who gets to earn money, to buy food and who doesn’t, who gets their chance to be on the right side and earn their place in the sun and who should not.
A work of speculative design
Eu4you is a work of speculative design which goal is to stimulate dialogue and public awareness with regards to the migrant crisis offering visitors a disruptive speculative fiction questioning the management of the EU migration, much more concerned to provide accurate and up-to-date statistics for decision-making processes.
The speculative fiction behind eu4you highlights the fundamental issue of today’s governments ruled by statistics. It reflects on the crisis revealed by the migration situation in an age of big data and algorithmic governance presenting a disruptive mechanism of John Rawls distributive justice reflecting on the gaps on the fundamental values on which the EU is grounded. What would happen if John Rawls veil of ignorance rips, if the original position and the cunning veil of ignorance imagined by Rawls for a fair society is allocated to a judicious algorithm that knows all life details of people: place in society, class position and social status; natural assets and abilities, intelligence and strength and so on, and juggles with all this data for the best and worst of his own hazards? The first iteration of eu4you presents an installation designed to perform an algorithm that speculates on the fate of visitors for a Blue Golden Destiny on the EU soil. Once a visitor triggers the algorithm, a voice welcomes the visitor and the installation emits an aroma. It’s the EU smell, which grants visitors equal rights to integrate the EU and realize their dreams.