Intetain 2013
Conference, MyMiniMaxiLoveLife • 08/01/2014
The INTETAIN 2013, 5th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, will take place in Mons, at the Numediart Institute of the University of Mons (UMONS), Belgium, July 3-5 2013. The conference intends to stimulate interaction among academic researchers and commercial developers of interactive entertainment systems. As in the INTETAIN tradition, besides high quality paper presentations, posters and demos, an interactive hands-on workshop will be organized, along the lines of the Design Garage held in the conference first edition. The global theme of this 5th edition of the conference is “Where technology meets culture” which is in line with Mons 2015, Cultural Capital of Europe.
During the LinkedTV Demo Session / Parellel CUTE, on July 3, 16:00-18:00, we will present two of our ongoing projects. MyMinimaxLoveLife is a project about social media which aims to develop an application designed specially for Facebook fans, which by using the method of probability calculation, processes short customized fictions, called lovelife-clips assembled on the basis of intrigues that result from statistical and semantic analysis of the user’s personal data. The Flanograph will be also present at this demo session. The flanograph is a mobile application for smartphones, based on augmented reality, which captures, stores and reproduces patterns of movement – digital tracks – by registering a number of sensory data.
More info: INTETAIN 2013 – program