Event, RRI-ICT Arts/Sciences • 04/11/2015
In the framework of the European RRI-ICT Forum, Euclid Network and iMAL organises specific events dedicated to artists, civil society and social entrepreneurship and their role in responsible research and innovation (RRI) in ICT. On November 9-10, three events, namely “Tech for Impact: How can civil society and social enterprise use ICT to drive positive change?”, “Art performances” and “RRI-ICT Arts/Sciences #18 debate”, will take place in Brussels.
Join us on Tuesday 10th November at the Art and Science, Responsible Research and Innovation debate.
With presentations by Paolo Cirio, Patrick Tresset, Kris Verdonck, Bénédicte & Laure-Anne Jacobs / LarbitsSisters, Rybn, Antoinette Rouvroy and Mark Coeckelbergh, followed by a debate moderated by Bram Crevits.
Practical info:
10/11/2015 > 14:00 & 18:30
30-34 Quai des Charbonnages
B-1080 Brussels
Free entrance